The Original King James Edition: Shortly after inheriting the throne of England in the midst of violent religious strife, King James I called together the country’s leading churchmen and theologians from whence came the memorable decision to commission a new translation of the Bible. This decision was approved by King James in the hope that this new translation might help avert civil war by uniting the religious factions within his country. The uniform translation, since called the “King James Version” or the “Authorized Version” dramatically affected the course of the English-speaking world. The Thomas Nelson reprint offered is a faithful reproduction of the original text set in modern typeface for readability.

Contains The Translators Letter In Full: The eleven page Translators Letter to the Reader is almost forgotten today and difficult to find. Some King James Bibles offer a brief single page condensed version, but most leave it out completely. The patient reader of this letter will be rewarded with a humbling insight into the minds of the translators who completely understood the magnitude of faithfully translating the Bible into English.

Contains The Aprocrypha: Most readers of the King James Bible today would be sur­prised to learn that the original 1611 version contained the books of the Aprocrypha. In the 1800’s first the British Bible Society and later the American Bible Society decided to remove the Aprocrypha from all future editions of the King James Bible. As a result these books are rarely studied today and yet they are rich with historical material which blend well with other Books of the Bible.

Author/Publisher Thomas Nelson