It has long been taken for granted that the first European visitors to American shores either sailed with Columbus in 1492, or may have been Norsemen like Leif Erikson a full five centuries earlier. But the history of our land before that date has so far remained lost in native Indian legends.

Now Harvard professor Barry Fell has uncovered evidence to replace those legends with myth-shattering fact. With illuminating text and over 100 pictures, he describes ancient European temple inscriptions from New England and the Midwest date as far back as 800 B.C. He examines the phallic and other sexually oriented structures, found in our own country, that reveal the beliefs of ancient Celtic fertility cults - cults that were virtually destroyed in Europe in early Christian times. Further evidence has been found in the tombs of kings and chiefs, in the form of steles - written testimonies of grief carved in stone.

Author/Publisher Dr. Berry Fell